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October Assembly Re-Cap

Stefanie Faria

Our October assembly was great! Mrs. Thompson shared the Virtue Vouchers ( when a student receives acknowledgement for demonstrating the virtue for the month). We had a funny presentation from the Grade 5 class. We recognized the first second and third place finishers from our Cross Country Meet. We had a special guest- Dr. Robert Watts, a Board Member from the Gord Downie-Chanie Wenjack Fund. Our grade 7 & 8 students presented him with a cheque for $272.60. This money was raised during the September presentation- A path for Chanie, A path for reconciliation. Katie Magee was recognized at our Formal Assembly. This summer Katie received the Girl Guide Changemaker Award. This honour is given to 4 girls across Canada each year in each Guiding Level. “This award recognizes the courageous and generous actions girls take on as they change the world.” Katie received this award for the many activities and efforts she has made to support animal rescues including organizing last years bake sale.A terrific way to wrap up October!



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