Braemar House School believes that the participation of volunteers will enhance and enrich the provision of care and education of our students.
We believe that parental participation provides a bridge between home and school and allows parents to be involved in the education of their children. Volunteers from our community bridge the gap between Braemar and the community we serve, providing benefits to the volunteer, our students and the community in general.
Parents help in various roles within the school and classrooms, including: classroom helpers, volunteer drivers, Scholastic Book Fair, and special event helpers.
Parents are also part of several committees, including:
Board of Directors
Education Committee
Parent Committee
Healthy School Committee
Marketing Committee
Property Committee
Making A Difference In The Community
At Braemar House School we believe that as a school we should be a part of the Brantford community. Our programming often includes ways to show our students how to contribute. Braemar students are proud to have been involved in or have contributed to the community in the following ways:
Me to We Foundation
Toonies For Terry
Rotary Brantford Classic Run
Christmas Baskets Campaign for the Brantford Food Bank
Brant Food for Thought
Community Remembrance Day Service
Save the Evidence
In addition, Braemar is actively involved in committee work with the following community programs:
Family Literacy Committee of Brant
Brantford-Brant Chamber of Commerce – Education Committee and Business Excellence Committee